3 ideas for using up leftover stone from your project

When a project is finished, there are sometimes pieces of stone left over because the piece hasn’t been used in its entirety. What can you do with the rest? Here we give you 3 ideas for making the most of the stone left over from your project so that you can maximize your investment by using the leftovers for decorative objects and utensils that will match your project or even give them to someone!


Easy to create and with a touch that only natural stone can add. With stainless steel handles, they quickly become an object that can be decorative or used for serving. Because a tray to put perfumes on, to serve hors d’oeuvres or to put your air freshener on gives your home a refined look.


With the pieces of stone left over from your project, have a set of coasters or even pans cut out. This way your dining accessories will coordinate with your project! You can also ask for slightly larger sizes to get sophisticated serving dishes.

Coffee tables and consoles

If you have a considerable amount of stone left over from your project, you can use the rest in small coffee tables or consoles, contrasting with another material such as stainless steel or wood for the base. Make a note that you want to use the rest in this project so that you can find the best partners for the combination of materials.

Figure 5 Source: Pinterest

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