Differences between natural and synthetic stone:

Learn to distinguish the differences between natural and synthetic stone when choosing the material for your project

When you’re designing your project, you’ll want to consider opting for natural stone or synthetic stone. To choose one or the other, you’ll need to know the differences between these materials.

Learn about the differences between the materials: natural stone(marble, granite, limestone, slate, rock and slate) and synthetic stone (composites such as Silestone, Dekton, Santa Margherita, etc.):

Natural stone (marble, granite, limestone, slate, breccia and other mineral compounds):

  • It is a 100% natural material and there is no human interference, so there are no changes to its composition. it’s all a product of nature.
  • Extracted from nature, it is a finite, recyclable and non-polluting mineral resource.
  • Its composition is derived from millennial changes (climate, pressure, exposure to natural factors such as volcanic eruptions, location (if it is located in a mountainous area, for example).
  • The variations in shades depend on the location and even vary from quarry to quarry or even in the same quarry where blocks of different shades can be obtained.
  • Unique natural beauty that gives great added value to any work in which it is used because it is a unique material due to the fact that each stone is unique and therefore exclusive.

Synthetic stone (Quartzite and Quartz compounds):

  • It is a high-tech material that results in an industrialized stone.
  • It comes from a mixture of mineral elements (such as quartz) with resins and pigments.
  • It has a wide variety of colors because it is a “manipulated” product.

How do I know I should choose one or the other?

Because each project is tailor-made for the client, it is necessary to analyze the uses to which the project is to be put. Depending on the use, the client’s personal taste and their budget, they will opt for natural or synthetic stone, but always after all viable options have been presented to them through our technical advice.

Now you know the differences between natural stone and synthetic stone!

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