The use of stone waste

With the growing awareness of our environment, interior and exterior decoration can be designed using natural stone waste. When carrying out a project, and because there are usually pieces of marble left over that won’t be used on site, these leftovers from factories and quarries can and should be put to good use. As decorative objects, coverings and even for artistic projects.

Find out how you can make effective use of waste stone!

Use of waste in the garden:

Often found in the buildings of the 1990s in irregular shapes, but nowadays in geometric shapes. They make up gardens and walkways designed only with waste in mind.

Figure 1: Source: Pinterest

Wall covering:

Waste can not only be applied to interior walls but also to exterior walls.

Figure 2: Source: Pinterest

Architecture and design projects:

One of the recent projects that embraced the use of marble, specifically Portuguese marble, was the construction of a street in London. Made from waste stone, this is a work by Michael Anastassiades. It proves that the raw material of natural stone, when not used, when left over and accumulated, can have a life other than being categorized as waste.

Figure 3: Source: Expresso newspaper

Using waste allows production and consumption to become increasingly sustainable. For this reason, waste is usually sold in boxes or contracted out for projects.

Everything can be transformed, even the surplus and piles of stone that sometimes remain in factories and quarries, which are often polluting agents. It is therefore important that waste is reused.

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